How you see is how you'll feel

If you refer to my previous post comments, you can see that I'm declaring myself having bad luck after purchasing the Toto. Well, it's true that I did not win any prize from it. Somehow, I lost my computer access ability meanwhile getting my friends laptop smashing my own tiny toe. You may claim that I'm being careless for dragging the wires of her laptop before it fell but I think it is a matter of luck whether if it hits me XD

But when I come to think about it once again. If the laptop did not fall onto my foot, it would had scratched or damaged. In fact, it was as good as before. About my PC, maybe it was meant to encourage me back hometown to greet my elder sister birthday today =) Who knows what's the will from the sky above? By the way, I'd successfully retrieve my working data out from my PC.

Next is Toto... Getting benefits which we ourselves do not work for is not a comfortable act. Its incentive maybe attractive, but still we cannot be greed. Never! For my case, let it be merely entertainment at work for I still not dare to reject the invitation from my Site Manager. He has been so good towards me XS

It is the matter on how we view a thing whether it is fortunate or not. The result is from our heart.

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