How to save the environment?

The world cannot be saved by one person but
the world can be destroyed by one person...

So which one are you?

Many factors nowadays can corrupt the world.
In the sense of humility.
In the sense of environment.

Let say for an example,
(Only 1 example...but applicable to any situation)
case 1: You wasted 100kV electricity per day. (On PC even when not using it)
= You alone wasted 36,500kV per year

case 2: You wasted 0kV electricity per day. (On PC for game and work)
= wasted 0kV per year

case 1: You saved 50kV electricity per day. (On PC only for necessary work)
= You helps to save 18,250kV per year

If 1,000,000 people are case 1 then
36,500,000,000 kV are to be wasted.

If 500,000 people are case 1 and 500,000 people are case 2 then
18,250,000,000 kV are to be wasted.

If 200,000 people are case 1 and 500,000 people are case 2 and
300,000 people are in case 3 then
1,825,000,000 kV are to be wasted.

The world cannot be saved by one person but
the world can be destroyed by one person...
But which one are you?

Another example requested by 1 of the comment:
The used of draft papers during revision for final exam.

Same amount of questions different amount of papers used

One alone can helps for a better future or
for a worse future.

The world cannot be saved by one person but
the world can be destroyed by one person...
So which one are you?


Anonymous said...

WTF u so free...
exam coming still can talk about ENVIRONMENT....

leo7_lion said...

You know why?
Exam coming so ppl start revising using lot papers to draft.

What I wanna stress here is that lot ppl wasted paper.

i'll update the post... see for ur self...

btw who are you ah? giv nick...I wanna know...hehe

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