My price

Did you guys ever rate yourself by value of price? Now, you can close your eye and start imagining how much others would spend in order to get you XD Haha~

-Here is my lame story-

MahSerene and I were visiting Jusco (Shopping Mall) after our dinner with KhaiShen as usual. It was for the sake of SweeGing's birthday gift, we went =) About the gift that we'd purchased, it would remained a secret until that creditable day^^ Hehe~

Thus we walked along the corridor and starting amusing ourselves with anything possible. In fact, this is how we usually spam time in the Mall - playing with their products =D and...

...Before that...
!Let's snap a picture!
A picture of MahSerene (Left: housemate) and I (Right) during our dinner

Then, we came to a price scanning device and three of us including KhaiShen started playing with it XD Okay, I must admit that we were liken to uncontrolled kids...
KhaiShen said he wants to rate himself with price value and so he did
69.90 bucks! Nearly 70 bucks. Not bad huh~
!He can be sold at 70 bucks with 10 cents change!
How about me?

It seems like it is a fact that you guys don't have to pay a single cent to get me. For I am approachable, barrier-less and lovable XD Hahahaha! Just kidding~


weihao said...

no!! u meant alot of me.. leng chai~

leo7_lion said...

waw, i dono what to say >< lol~

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