Reaching the site at 7.50a.m made me the 'earliest' yet waited long outside the office for the project manager to unlock the door =.= Then I regretted to arrive that early XD
Today is tired and bored. Although I got my safety helmet but I don't feel like leaving the office. Thus I surfed the net, chat and watch dramas.
Still remember that I said they were going to station me at concrete plant and to work on AutoCAD? Well, they had forgotten about it. =.= And En. Elsa declared as he will walked me over the concrete steel thing today. But he had forgotten about it as well =.= Are all these happen because of me being isolated in this personal office? XD
Next, I have been conned by Mr. Chan to do his work.

The man with his mouth widely open is Mr. Chan

I was not supposed to climb up to the top since I have no Safety Boots

But he wants me measure the column imperfection.

Using only thread and tape.

I was assigned to do the same for these columns which I dislike because of the sun XD Moreover, I got nailed under my foot due to 'safety-bootless'. Pain~ And I lost my good sense of taste today. Everything that I ate taste so weird. T.T
Learned/Refreshed: Column Imperfection Check
eh! my site didn't measure for column imperfection.maybe yours is high-rise that's why need to measure..zz.. my site have alot of bengok column
Ouch.. Take care of your foot..
Bengkok Later collapse 1 wor XD better b careful
Thanks you Zach. My friend brought me to consult doctor yesterday and nothing found to be serious^^
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