Before I start everything, do you know who is Irene? Well, allow me introduce...
-!Blog!-Right, she is my dearest cousin Irene. The one who actually introduced me to Cube Event, my current part-time company. She is 'geng' (vigorous?) in socializing when she's in the mood. Plus, she is going to be an Expert in Law, suing those who ought to be sue^^ Haha...

For those who do know, Mid Valley Jusco 2 weeks Camera Fair ended yesterday night. Me and Irene plus Frendi were the promoters in charge yesterday, and our job was simple yet hard. Talk talk talk for 11 hours
if we wanted to~
We sold 4 pieces and each of them have their own commission to grab^^
Yeah! But Thursday we got zero sales =(

Among the four, we inadvertently switched one of the warranty cards which eventually invalided its protection =P Frendi as the permanent worker has to do something about it~

Next, we have 2 deposited sales out of the four. The idea of depositing was due to customer having insufficient money to purchase on spot =.= swt!
Hey, Irene is pretty le! Your GF is it? :)
Good for you all to get sales and get commissions. :)
hi Irene Lim,
i think he did state that i am his cousin in the blog entry :)
and oh. we shared the same name ^^
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