Allow me to jot my Ipoh working experience first since the trip photos is with
WeiHao now^^ Above is me and Kian Aik. We are both from Klang, thus suffering 3 hours of adventurous 'bus hip-hoping journey'

with horrible day-dreams. I mean we couldn't sleep well in the bus =P and my back was really aching. Thanks for the treat, bus~ Swt!
Alright, we worked in Ipoh Jaya Jusco, which is extremely famous for its strict rules.

This was where we were stationed, Level 2 digital world or to be more precise... Nikon booth =D

Those days, information seekers were many but not customers. We could only sold 4 pieces of compact cameras. Hm... Better than nothing isn't it?

Anyway, it is their last 2 days Jusco fair and we were there just to end it =P

~Okay, here comes the interesting part~
As I've mentioned, Jusco is very strict to their staffs. There is no such thing as spiky hair or anime characters

for Jusco staffs. Basically what happen is...

Kian Aik wants to be Naruto

but too bad the tight security just doesn't allow him to do so XD Thus what he did? He wasted RM19 just to change his hair style.

Apek! No more

... Hahaha! And there goes his dream~ Yet, this is not the end of his world


Because someone had actually fell for him. She is... Alamak! I forget to ask for her name XP Whatever, she's not important~ Hahaha...

Sometimes when we work, we feel tire of standing and we want to rest for a while. Well, the they taught me to use this 'backdoor' as an escape to 'ponteng kerja'^^

That's not a bad idea~ Just that it is not big enough to hide a person.

Work and no play make us a dull party. Same goes for the verse 'study and no play'. So I suggest we should play more than whatever else thing


Alright, it's time to introduce our partners. They are Syah, LaiLa and Anonymous~ I really don't know her name =P

But she certainly likes to take photo with us.

Syah is very shy and gentle. On the other hand, anonymous is very straight forward and kinky. Swt!

This is Anwar. He is very talkative just like me. We talked non-stop...
Followed, we have
Ipoh Half-day trip^^
Whoa whoa~~ this post really made me recall back those days as a freelancer/part timer!! I did lot of freelance jobs during my Uni times!!
Got money liao lo..when spend me makan makan ar??? hehehehe^^
go ipoh to work? lol
why i dont see wei hao's face wan? haha.. =D
wah, haha, touch cameras wo!! can play with it some more konon konon to explore and understand more of the products haha
WeiHao Picture at weihao's phone, hv to wait him transfer to me but his ipoh house no internet wo... so need wait sch reopen lo
Sure can belanjar^^ I just belanjar WeiHao makan during the last day trip =D
Right^^ I know various of camera product and their benefits and weakness XD
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