Basically, our topic of study is 'Seks Bebas'. What is it in English? Alright, it's something like no boundary towards sex. Interesting topic eh? Nah, everyone of us get around the same topic. All related to sex specially to tempt us students. Horny Guru. Lol...
Since this subject is a LAN subject. We need to complete it in Malay Language. However, my malay has been 'berkarat'ing (rotting) for such long time. Thus, KokYong helped to edit my article wrote. So paiseh~ (embarrass) Lol... Anyway, his language power is really something. Sometime, I wonder why he wants to study civil engineering instead of languages.
Still, We managed to finish it in time. Mostly done by KokYong. Bravo!

haha, seks bebas. it may sound horny but it's an interesting topic. plus, u have girls on your team.
p/s: who's the girl in white shirt. she's pretty ^^
Seks bebas sounds terrible LOL
So you're studying Civil Engineering.. nice :)
She is Yeelin, i got her link in my friend list^^
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