The second Day
We rented Hostel room for 3 nights stay in
Geylang. Initially, we were asking for 2 rooms just for nine of us ONLY but thing turns out... I'll let yeelin explain about this matter =.= She is the organizer of this trip anyway, our boss...Haha!!
Geylang HostelWhen my friends heard about this name which sounds like 'Gay'lang, they started to fool around. Actually this place is very famous with prostitution, with their so call 'pretty' prostitutes.
Anyway, we were not alone^^ In fact, there were other foreigners who rented this place too. Meaning living together with us not in the same room but under the same roof.

We had our breakfast together... Bread =.= right, save money for our trip~
From left: Homun, LiPing, Kenneth, KokYong, Ravern, KiatBoon, YeeLin and Eugene. Me holding the camera =(
This is the room that we used to dwell in. Messy? Lol... No cockroach, don't worry.

We just simply throw our stuffs upon entering the room.

Here is it! Washroom... Exactly like when I'm in the theolo! This recall my theolo memories =)

Kenneth(left) and Homun(right) were resting and food digesting after the eating too many breads.

Kiat Boon(right), Ravern(left) and YeeLin(down) exercised a bit by fooling around for faster digestion^^

LiPing... So embarrass to show her face. Haven't make up =.=

Me(left) and Ravern again dancing in the room.

And finally, Eugene washed our plates... Hahahaha

Geylang is always filled with plenty of restaurants. Just right under our hostel, there are two. Great deed for our supper which will turn us FAT!
MRTWe were lucky, MRT station was just 30 footsteps away from our hostel. Aljunied is the name. For performance, it is just like our Lrt back in Malaysia, fast and sharp but they have more trails. KTM can go bang against the wall.

This is how a station looks like. Cylinder shape. If fall, it can still rolls to crush people below. Haha!

This system is very stupid. We always need to return the card which we had brought after we reached our destination. Especially when the queue is long, haiz... Terrible! For this I prefer our Lrt back in Malaysia which is one shot go and scram^^

Actually, I'm not allowed to snap here. As guard just told me to stop snapping^^ Hehe...
HarbourFrontThis is our station that leads us to Sentosa by its special train in the Mall(Level 3). Smart huh, Singapore Government wants us to shop before and after entering Sentosa.

But before getting ourselves into the Island, food is a must! Let's hunt!

We walked around this 'very large' mall
[by Irene] and did some window shopping.

We were not lost, just that we were looking for food here~

Tang Tang Tang Tang~ Lunch Time! Yum Yum!

After lunch, let's visit the washroom! The sign shows that only handicap(handless) can go in.

Now we are ready to enter Sentosa Island! Cheerz!!

That photo above is nothing =P This one is something because I'm inside =)
Sentosa Island
Sentosa Island is very huge. Walking is certainly not a good idea to get us anywhere except for those who need to keep fit =)

Just like the
Night Safari. They have trams to carry lazy people like us =P

Here we are in Fabiloso Beach! Siloso actually... They will be having a night party in 31Dec and this is the stage.

According to the local, the sand was imported from Indonesia. Very rough! Unlike Redang!

These people really have the foots of beasts to play on such a rough sand.

Undoubtedly, the sea water is very clean. As clean as paip water... Hey! I'm giving a compliment!

It seems like we were in the wrong beach. Whatever, let's proceed to Luge first.

These are how the tickets looks like $10 per ticket. So what is Luge? Is it fun? Well, check below!

This is Luge. You drive your own mini racing car and speed like mad!

But before that, we have to get ourselves somewhere extremely high. Our Mini racing cars do not support engines. Sad case =.= In fact, the car is sliding downhill.

Snap while going up! Finally someone get to whole the camera for me =)

We are ready now for the ride! but my helmet is a little strange~

Need to adjust adjust and snap again!

My friends say this picture of me very cute... I hope it does =)

Upon riding, the people there dirtied our hands... What are these for?

This couple was smiling happily after.

Meanwhile, Ravern was eating and I wonder where she get this food.

There is another game which looks like Luge too. Cost is the same as $10. But better don't waste time on this. All games beside Luge in Sentosa are boring. Never enter underwater world if you have been to a underwater world before. Nothing special to see...

Time to play at the beach!

Time to show some body!

Same pose, so boring~

So this is the new pose~

This one is the best!

Back to the old pose again =.=

Where am I? I no pose~ Oh no... Twenty is the time when people turn fat very fast. Look at their tummy! They are growing! Lol...

I never build a sand castle before thus I was wanting to build one. However, my friends keep on demotivating me saying that it is impossible to built one on the beach! Hm! I'll prove them wrong!

While I was building, they play in the sea. And when they see me constructing, Kok Yong came to destroy my castle. How evil!

Alas! I've finish my castle! Not really a castle but the great wall of China!

This is a wall which was built by sand and sand alone. No water was used.

Take a picture again in the sea!

My friends just made the foot step printings for me to snap.

After bathing in the sea, we were to watch the Song of the Sea!

Before that, let's eat!

We were dining at Carl's Junior in HarbourFront Mall. Their burger is cheaper compare to Malaysia. However... The taste is dissappointing =(

Facing the lens, we have to smile like this.

Facing the burger, we have to eat like this.

Facing you, it's impossible that we would face you. Hahaha...

I wonder why my burger never stick together properly. It's mouth always opens.

Finally, Song of the Sea! Let's enjoy some snapshots that I've prepared.

Enjoy? Hope you do^^
Marina Bay
Since this day was 25th Dec, my friends were ready for countdown in Marina Bay. They were so excited!

This is a place for people to waste their time doing meaningless thing. Heheeh!

Outside was the decoration. Lights that bring life to darkness.

Among the lights, some were asking people to drink and get drunk~ Haha just kidding.

The most creative decoration ever. This scenary can be usually seen in the Anime Sailor Moon where it is a place for the evil boss to dwell. Thorns...

Can you see the Durian? It looks more like Nangka to me.

Do you know what definition did my friend gave to describe this Merlion? He says:
At the ancient time when Singapore was found, the prince saw a big fish ate up a lion where the lion head was left undevoured meanwhile it's hair covers the fish head. Both perished =.= Lame...
Here, a choir was singing and make noise in the dark.

This is my second day in Singapore^^
PreviousTo be Continue...
1 comment:
LoL.. saw my friend eugene! his posing so weird! too skinny la that guy.. haha
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