Japanese Lesson - Usage

When applying for negative form.

全然(ぜんぜん) - totally not (100%)
めったに - totally not (100%)
決(け)して - not all (80%)
あまり - nor really (70%)
ちょっと - a little (50%)
少(すこ)し - a little (30%)

Daily used.

因(ちな)みに - By the way
お互(たが)いさま - "You're the same"
お喋(しゃべ)り - Talkative (noun)
がっかり - dissappointed (adj)
おしゃれ - stylish (noun)
ほっとけ - "Stop talking non-sense"
申(もう)し(込)こむ - apply
中止(ちゅうし)する - cancel
勝手(かって)に - just let
あいにく - unfortunately
寝坊(ねぼう) - overslept
きんめん/真面目(まじめ) - hardworking
いきなり - suddenly

How to read hiragana and katagana

1 comment:

alohagems said...


from Hawaii

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