Alright, the main thing that captures the heart of consumers is that it can accesses to internet using Wifi. Guess what? It's liken to a mini laptop! But that never make any different to our life I suppose. Plus, we don't have Wifi connection everywhere in Malaysia. Sad case =.=
Anyway, the picture quality is not as good as what I expected. Moreover it has no flash light unlike most of the phones nowadays. Blah~ Like I always say, nothing is perfect! If we want to complain, there is nothing that we can't complain about.

I'm agree with you....
There's ntg perfect...
Every gadget still cant satisfy all need of human....
When the screen is big enuff to view,we will say its hard to carry out. When it is smaller, we will say we hardly read it..
Whoa~ u bought Iphone ar?? though you need sign up with Maxis service as well..bt i still think it's damn expensive leh..
sigh that your Iphone gt problem..I do think it's troublesome ler..jz bought bt many problems occured..it's not really a good thing..
anyway, my fren recommended to buy Blackberry where u can get frm Maxis too..
I would prefer HTC pda more...
I'm using HTC Touch Diamond....
So far so good..
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