Aaron Kwok - Dui ni Ai bu Wan

First of all, I would like to thanks my cousin Sandie who recalls my memory of childhood =D I suppose I was only three that time and Aaron Kwok turned out to be one of the most outstanding singers. He does turns girls crazy at that moment of time. Haha~

What I could remember now is, her bunch of school friends would usually come to take a snap with me. Although I couldn't really understand why at that young age but I know they love to be in the picture with me =D Sound like I'm photogenic person since young huh? Haha~

Then, they said I look like Aaron Kwok and started to address me with that name. They had even taught me the song 'Dui ni ai bu wan' which then become my first song of my life. In fact, this song is a legend. For all Chinese definitely know it. Thus I was grateful XD

When I look back to his old MV on this song, I smirked. The fashion and dancing style are of the ancient which it makes me think twice before embedding it here. Haha~

Here you go:

Fifteen years later, Jay Chaw sang it again:

Thus you can see the power of this song. I believe none of the mandarin song nowadays could be as powerful as this, liken to the western Micheal Jackson songs.

Another top hit:

1 comment:

Eldy Voon said...

kick ur ass today ! erm, ur chatbox missing again ?!

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