29th Day of Work: Boldness

I was invited to top floor (7th) by my site engineer. Wow, that recalls my phobia and do you guys have any idea how workers work on top floor?
Seventh floor man!~ But they are just like enjoying their hiking... Hence I too walked over these few 'bridges' for the sake of impression matter. It is not good to let those foreign workers laughing at me as coward isn't it?

Anyway, I got 6 general workers work under me already XD And my colleagues had finally witnessed my true form, the crazy fellow who likes to snap-shots and do something unusual. Meanwhile, I had successful converged two different personal into one group^^ What a barrier breaker I am~ And finally, I get to order my safety boots. It would be brand new and free XD Haha!

Allow me to introduce my site engineer again, Mr Elsa an Orang Asli who was often mistaken as Malay^^ He is 10 years older than me and we are now friend!
What's with that pose? XD
At least, it should be like this right?
Btw, everyone were looking at us when we snappedXD

Em~ I guess I can't do that often when I'm on the top floor. It makes others feel like this project is mine XD Hahahaha~

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