I wanted to post about this Blind Robot Competition which held in my University last Wednesday. It was a competition that specially organized for Mechanical Engineering Students, yet there was no restriction to ME students only. Among six teams, one is from EnE course and they did a great job.
How about me joining this competition? Nah~ I know nothing about mechanic XD

Hereby, I present you the six Robots. Which one will walk away with RM1000 as the Winner? You see, they never emphasize on designs but workability of robots. Thus, the beauty win not =(
Basically, all they have to do is to instruct their robots to move in track given below. Watch this~

Got it? The robot should not move out of the track. Again, this is something that I not able to make with my current knowledge *sad* Even if I'd upgraded myself, I believe it remains tough for me XD

Spam: Meanwhile, there are free orange juices for observers^^ Just please don't 'split' them onto the robot XD

After several tests which all the teams were given 3 minutes to complete the track, the results was then announced. The winner is...

Cotto Matte!!!~ Representative from ABC company wants to speak a few words. What he said? I don't know~ It should be something not important that I didn't lent him my ears =P

Okay, the winner is~ The third robot from the left! Congrats! Here goes RM1000 for the team. How would they spend the money? Haiya, I don't want so "pakkua" (Busybody) =P Hahaha~
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