Candle light dinner restricted to couples only meh? Lol... Okay, no more joking =) The truth is, we went for dinner but suddenly all lights were black out when our first dish came. Too bad my iPhone just went into trouble, or else there will be more pictures to show you guys.
So, is this a surprise from the boss? Lol... Should be^^ The workers then prepared us this candle light.
Somehow, we worried if we might eat up alien objects such as houseflies in dish since it was so dark. Lol... Anyway, nice Mentakab day.
hohoho! visiting :D
in the end i still duno who u had that dinner with -.-
Lol, it's with Irene my cousin^^ Sorry for insufficient information~
wah I yet to publish my genting pics! lol! hahaha looks like you have so much fun in Genting!
SHU FEN : so dark, cant even capture who you have dinner with lo.. haha
WEI : oi.. u spell wrongly. its Mentakab.
Wow, Thanks much Irene^^ I just changed the spelling form 'Mentarkap' to 'Mentakab' XD
Pls help me to check my spelling and grammar often^^ Much appreciated
Thanks readers, *Friend Hug
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