Guess where are we? We just had another 'play whole day' spring activity from morning till midnight^^ I will post the whole day activity separately as not to make it dull reading =D

Iek! Why so dark one?! Camera got problem is it? Oh no~ We were getting ourselves onto boats to see something great in the dark. As stated, fireflies^^
Thus we travelled along the 9 meters deep river, and guess what we saw? The fireflies were celebrating Christmas! They decorated the trees with blinking lights meanwhile the sky was filled with unlimited stars. Wow, one word to describe the scene, 'indescribable'. Haha! There is no other places that you and me can witness such a beautiful scene^^ And I feel God's creation is indeed marvelous.

Let me introduce: left to right, top to bottom :
KaiShen, Richard,
MeiNgor, HanJian, Joanne, TeckWei,
YeeLin, HueiXing, PeterSoo, Me and YiZhong. These group pictures (above and below) were taken after the boat ride.

See, all of us were so happy and satisfied. We get to touch the fireflies and sky^^

And naughty Peter caught one of them and stored it inside this bottle. Pity that firefly=.=

Firefly~ You build the stars^^
where u all went? i want to see firefly alsoXD
wow..yr camera is so geng.. can snap the firefly so clear ...
The last picture is SOOOOOOOO freaky!!!!!!!!!
kuala selangor,ryte?
it's very nice!!
i been thr when i was form 5~
ei...u noe wat?
movie = my life ady lor
coz hor...goin bek to college tmr and goin to be super kiasu again lo..
he is my kai kor ler...
if blood,i wont nid to be so independent like now...XD
this is kuala selangor? i been there b4.. but i tot we r not suppose to catch any of the firefly..swt.. the last pic took by you?
hey corn/leo haha.. I just had the chance to go online nia ar.. si beh ma huan~ lol now at KL
The last picture was not from me^^ We are not allow to catch any but naughty Peter caught one in secret
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