First, what do you think about University life?
Unlike secondary school, we don't wear school uniform which you might think that will be great. However, there is a problem. We students have to make up our mind thinking what to wear each day... XD Thus for someone like me who never mind what others think about our cloths will just put on our usual house wear. Another word to describe me, lazy~
The lecturers of University often mention that we, students should be independent enough to surf for knowledge ourselves. This sounds like they are doing professional but the fact is, they themselves have insufficient knowledge to teach us. Once a lecturer told us that they actually use this method to flee from troubles, which are the questions asked by the students. At the end of the day, we students became better than them instead. I don't know about the condition in Oversea Universities but here, my friends of other Universities say the same thing. All in all, only lecturers in Government Universities are able to perform their actual tasks yet Chinese can hardly get into them.
Today, the my lecturer was late for class by half and hour. Guess what is his excuse? He thought that the first day usually has the least attendants therefore he was late. Even I feel the shame jotting such a stupid excuse here XD

After the lecture, we have 3 hours break. My friends ask me for a DOTA match and we did it. For that, we became late for half an hour for the next lecture. Other friends were expecting us absence.

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