Hence I went to him only when I came to realize it. Anyway, OSK plaza is quite far and it cost me 1 buck to get there =.= But seeing him carrying his big laptop, plus a pitiful face, I approached without murmuring anything. I just said “Let’s go” which it ends the story straight =)
Next, I get him a safety helmet for site meanwhile meeting him with all my supervisors. As mentioned, I’m not operating in one to one training system like the others but more prone to none to one training. Therefore, no one is really my supervisors nor everyone is my supervisors. I choose my own free time to work and play =D
Then, they started to chat. My site engineer became the one who entertained him. However, he was not generous enough to give me the highest score T.T In the interim, Dr Jeffery was fascinated to read my progress report for him was told that I’d indeed learned a lot =P Nevertheless, I can actually made him a dictionary thick report only if this internship is going to raise my CGPA, which is not in actual case.
Allow me to demonstrate my project outcome 'to be' again^^
Most Expensive unit - 8 Million bucks
Cool huh? Hehe~
Cool huh? Hehe~
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