Then I met the Project Manager who was compiling his documents. After several minutes of talks and advices, he met me up with his General Manager who was currently holding a meeting. I was so surprised that the GM is willing to keep me occupied when the meeting is still on until the moment the owner of the company, Dato' Jeffery came into scene. In fact, to meet him is something that I never expected. He did stunned me when he himself talks to me. One thing bizarre is that, he seldom looked into my eyes when he talks. Am I that scary? Haha...
Oh yea! I recalled. A friend of mine once told me that my 'eye staring' can really shock (electrify) people. Let's see if I can electrify you^^
So this is how I get my internship at NamFatt =) Strange procedure but this is how it happens. And I learn that my eye is really something... Hahaha~
Ekkkk, no idea what you're talking about - still living in a sophomore life XDD
Nam Fatt sounds peculiarly familiar though xp
Ah? Then maybe I should check on my grammar or sommething... Thz for the comments^^
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