Serving customers is fun but some people are not deserve to be served. They are those 'Lansi's and 'Actsi's. Maybe the world is too realistic that 'Customer is always right' has become an ultimate law even though they are actually wrong. This type of people better go bang their heads against the wall.
Ohya, I witnessed how my friends force people to buy camera. I mean those who never think of buying one when they entered Jusco. My friends were 'Pera-pera' brain washing the customers. Haha... Hm~ I won't do that. I will feel guilty making people wasting their 'blood-sweat' money on things that they don't really need XD Thus only for those who are interested in buying, I promote according to their budgets.

That day we sold 38 pieces of cameras including SLRs

y he nid to hide under the table to have his meal oh???
tat suggestion box hor..my frenz always wrote take the ticket payment for parking away...LOL
bcoz ur not supposed to eat in the booth.
boss ar? cathy or jessy?
and his name is Edmund la.. or u can also call him Ah NA!!! hahahaa
we all think he's a gay.. and did u notice is so called 'moisturizer'??
haahaha he actually make up.. face and neck diff color
Haha, I don't know but he certainly looks fair.
Both Cathy and Jessy also there. I tot Jessy looks very old 1 thru the pictures that u show me, but actually she kinda young looking.
Ok, I change his name now, lol...
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