Eh? What is this fellow doing? Oh~ He was jotting down our class timetable. There is no mistake with my title up there. In fact, it just came out at this week. That is SLOW~ Right, everything is slow and steady here. And this is how students with quality were produced.

Basically this is my timetable, good thing that Saturday we have no class^^

Even if we have classes, I will also do nothing but only dreaming... Keke... Anyway, I'm happy to know that many of my friends miss me^^
Many of your classmates wearing horizontal stripe shirts LOL
Me wearing orange T today Hehe..
ya, i'm sitting beside u,and u wearing orang shirt tat day..like an mandarin orange.. hahahaha!!!
happy chinese new year...
but somebody say like 'basketball' oso...haha!! :p
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